Monday, January 2, 2012

Resolve to Keep YOUR Promise

Well It’s the new year, everybody give a cheer! Yay. Exciting! New Beginnings, New Chances, Happy Days!

I think it is so wonderful that at the beginning of the year we take the initiative to challenge ourselves to try new things, get rid of bad habits and generally commit to being better people. At the same time, I question why we have to wait for the man-made year change to occur before we decide to take the initiative to be the best human beings we can be.

Don’t get me wrong, I still think it’s a wonderful thing, but what are we waiting for? What if we could be held accountable for our actions all year long by making a pact with ourselves to honor the goals we set? I always say, the hardest promises to keep are the ones we make to ourselves. That is, unless you’re a crazed, egotistical, maniac...but assuming most people are empathetic, loving, and sensitive beings, running the risk of letting yourself down is much less scary than potentially letting down someone you respect or love. But what if at any given time during the span of the 365 days we’ve agreed to call a “year”, we could check in with ourselves to make sure that we are going confidently and consciously in the direction of the intention we’ve set? I think that would be pretty groundbreaking. Simple, but groundbreaking.

I challenge you, as I challenge myself, to do just that this year. Let us make our resolution grander than just “Losing Weight”, “Finding Love” or “Keeping Our Space Clean”;  Let’s make our resolution to keep our promises, specifically, those promises we've made about our own lives. If we just resolve to do that, everything else will fall into place.



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