Saturday, November 3, 2012

There is more power in promoting something you love than ridiculing something you hate

This blog might be brief because it is a simple thought, yet, it is so important.

In the wake of the election, and just a time, in general, when we are polarized on so many issues, remember: it is a more efficient use of your time to promote something you believe in than to fight against something you despise.

I need to remember this as much as anyone. I am certainly guilty of brining attention to issues and candidates I disagree with. When most of us see something that we don't like it is our first instinct to say that it is bad and why we think it is bad. This isn't very constructive, is it? Rather than giving energy to a negative thought and a force you find to be incongruous with your life thesis, why not bring energy and positivity to something that gives you hope and lines up with your beliefs?

Good thoughts attract more good thoughts, as bad attract bad. The more energy you give to fear and hate, the more prevalent they become in the world.

So in these last days before the election, for every time you feel compelled to say why you hate one candidate or another, try to think of the opposite, positive attribute you like in the opponent and state that instead. It might make this whole battle a little less bloody and a little kinder. For as we know, if there's one thing politics isn't lacking, it's negativity. Why add to that? Let's annul it. How?? As always, focus on the love.



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