One of the aspects of life that disturbs me the most is entitlement. The colloquial way of saying it is, "People who think they're important". Whether it is found in a child who has been given everything and expects it to continue, or someone who calls in on the phone at my job and expects me to know who they are by the sound of importance in their voice, it is a rather unattractive and, dare I say, disgusting quality to possess.
I don't care who you are, I don't care what you've done, you are not better than anyone else. You are not above basic manners, etiquette and acts of kindness. We
are all at the same level. Don't think just because you've
accomplished "more", or have a greater number of material goods, that your
worth is higher than any other human being you meet. Treat everyone
with the respect and dignity you'd like to be treated with. Be kind.
Just because you've cast a couple movies, been cast in a couple movies, know one famous person or have a rich family, doesn't mean that you have the right to talk down to people. Just because you have a bundle of money doesn't make you any more or less human than the next gal or guy. We are not what we have or what we do, we are how and who we love.
People who know and are secure with their self worth, don't have to go flaunting it about in obvious ways. They own it, because it's part of who they are. Everyone has a right to be proud of the good work they've done. No one has the right to wear it on their sleeve and try to use it to push other people down. We're all just people. We all just live and breathe and try to survive until we die and in the meantime, we're striving to find a little hope and a great meaning in our lives. Why would you take away from that by being a dick? I'm serious. Knock it off and get a grip!
People who are worthy of being lauded, are those who bring others up with them. If you have achieved an accomplishment, or multiple accomplishments that you are proud of, then bring others in with you. Even if it's only a simple smile, or a bit of patience, these small gestures are a nice way to show your gratitude for the blessings in your life, and to lift others up with your good fortune.
There is no reason to be rude just because think you've done something cool. None. Capeesh? If anything, I would think the more you accomplish, the kinder you'd be, recognizing the luck you've had. What goes around comes around, and whether it's this life or the next, the afterlife, or tomorrow, you'll eventually fall victim or be graced with the same level of respect you treated your fellow human being with.
Be nice and get over yourself.
God bless America,
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