Sunday, October 23, 2011


Sometimes it is alarming to me how perfectly linked each of us are. I believe as human beings we are all innately connected, as we are all of the same source. Now, no matter if you believe in Science, God, or both, this idea of the innate human connection is unarguably true, and therefore, every person who walks the earth has a tie to you. Sometimes as I walk down the street I try to picture myself tied to other people: to picture a literal string going through myself to another person, to another and so forth. When we look at the world this way, it really seems as if it should be impossible to feel lonely. Like it should be impossible to ever get into irreconcilable fights with others. Like it should be impossible to not be able to find some common ground with every other human being, even if it is just the fact that we are all humans and all come from the same energy source. We all have a desire to be seen, to do something good, to love and be loved. Surely we could see that nothing human can be alien to us.

All of the aforementioned ideas should be reality. And in truth, they are. The problem is, we put up armor and all kinds of other bullshit that misconstrues the truth and blurs the linkages so deeply, that from our self-limited perspective, the linkages appear to be either broken or not there at all. I challenge all of you, as I challenge myself, to take this armor down and allow yourself to see a piece of your soul in every person you know. I charge you to do this with friends, but especially, with those you don't get along well with, or even better, with those who you deem to be your "enemies." Learn to open your heart and see a bit of yourself in that person, or those people. By doing this we eliminate fear, which, I truly believe is the root of every negative emotion and thought. By eliminating fear we eliminate hate, loneliness, jealousy and a bevy of other energy-sucking emotions, both in ourselves and others.

When we see the connections, we free the unhealthy thoughts, and we find love, which leads to peace. I really believe this ability to see the indisputable linkages between each soul we encounter is crucial to finding our path to enlightenment. Is is easy? Absolutely not. Is it less exhausting and will it lead to a more peaceful, loving life? Yes, I believe it is and will. So why not at least try to love and let love in? Because my theory is that it's there anyway.

And yes, this post is geared specifically toward The Real House Wives Of New Jersey. And YOU!

1 comment:

  1. Go you for this blog. Seriously, it is so difficult to put yourself out there on these types of thoughts and I think (so far) you are doing it wonderfully. I will be following along to see you and your writing grow!

    I think your idea on the "armor" is strong, but exists just as equally to people we don't love or hate, that is people we don't even know. I think some of the greatest barriers between ourselves and others exist between people we haven't met yet. It's crazy how shut down we are to strangers. The one time in my life I forgot my iPod on the bus (I use it mostly to block out other people's conversations), I ended up having a conversation with the COOLEST girl ever and it totally made my day. I ran into her routinely and even just quick chats made me feel less isolated. Such a small thing can have a lot of power.
