Friday, March 1, 2013

A Soul Too Big For My Body

I've heard quotes from famous theorists who say our goal on this Earth is to find a way to expand our soul to its maximum potential, while it's still contained in our physical bodies. Here's the problem I'm having with that goal: Sometimes I feel I was given a soul too big for my body. A soul that will make my body break into a million pieces if it expands to its largest potential. 

For my whole life it seems to have been bursting at the seams, begging to be let out, to be set free, to be seen separate of this flesh that has long held it back. It could have been split between many different bodies and possibly been okay. But to love so much and so deeply, and to be begging for freedom all within the confines of one lump of flesh is sometimes more than I can bear. 

Perhaps the burden of soul, so large can be alleviated if we can come to see that having many passionate desires is not a bad thing, as many would have us believe, but rather, a blessing. I've decided that my goal is to live many mini lives within this large one. I think my thrashing soul is an opportunity to do just that. So rather that feeling insane for having so many things that you love, and for loving them all so deeply, we can take that deep love and apply it to living a fuller life. Fear not, colossal souls of the universe: There's a place for you. There's a place for us all. 

Nothing but love,
