Monday, October 20, 2014

Meaning in Music

This Blog is my ode to music. To my dear, dear friend, whom without, I would be up a damn creek. The moment I wrote a song, my path was forever altered. I finally had power over my own life. The words that had been swarming my soul, trapped, finally had an escape, and the voice I had spent years cultivating was no longer a slave to broadway tunes, but now, the liberator of my heart and mind. It finally all made sense. I had spent years working my booty off to fit into the box of musical theatre, only so that I could break out on my own. Don’t get me wrong, I still love a broadway tune, and would jump at the chance to play certain roles Cough* Eponine* COUGH, however, upon writing my songs, I understood that the world is my oyster and writing music is pearl. Corny, but true. 

 I know that music will not hurt me. Though there are many things I take personally when they don’t go my way, I will always hold true to the songs I’ve written and will continue to write, because they have meant something to ME. No matter how someone else feels about them, no matter if there’s one person or one hundred or maybe one day, thousands of people at my concert, I am singing songs that make me smile, weep, laugh and cry, and sometimes that’s just during the chorus.  And that’s the thing about art and, life in general: people can take literally everything away from you with one lousy opinion, but really, all that matters is your opinion of yourself and your work. Does your work have meaning to YOU? Does it make you feel beyond measure? If your answer is yes, then keep going, because chances are it will mean a great deal to someone else soon, too. And after you get people to feel something, it’s only a matter of time until they can no longer keep the door to success closed--their emotions, or at least, the emotions of the populous, will force them to let you in. This is a pep talk to myself and and an ode to music, my friend that made me feel so deeply, that for once, the opinions of others couldn’t break me, because it makes me feel so good about myself. Music is my safety, my soulmate, and without it, the world would be devoid of color.

Which brings me to some great black and white pictures that were taken at my last show at Bar Lubitsch. Check them out below and see a visual representation of my joy. Whatever you do, whoever you are, I encourage you to find something you love so much, that it protects you from the opinions of others and saves your soul from despair. You deserve it, we all do. God bless you and have a wonderful day on your journey to meaning. Thanks for checking out my blog!


LoLo :-)