Friday, November 25, 2011

The difference between knowing, understanding and enacting

One of the hardest lessons for us to learn is the difference between knowing, understanding and enacting a concept or belief in our lives. There are many things I know to be true, but do I really take the time to understand them? Do I ever take the time and energy to enact these principals in my life? Why is it so hard for us to slow down and use the knowledge we already have?

It seems ludicrous that most humans consistently fail to let their core beliefs guide their everyday lives. But it happens everyday. People who are religious feel the need to judge, hate and scorn their fellow human beings--quite the opposite of what every great spiritual leader who ever was has taught. Those who know with the fullness of their heart that they are supposed to follow a specific passion, avoid their heart's desire every chance they get with excuses and self-made roadblocks--allowing fear to trump love. Couples or family members block out love by refusing to agree on one or two issues, when they know that if they did they could not only get along well, but also, further the growth of their soul.

I think that is the biggest consequence of ignoring knowledge, you are blocking out love, and thus, inhibiting growth. The more you know, truly know, on a spiritual level, the better able we are to love on a spiritual level. Thus, this acceptance, understanding and enacting of knowledge is extremely crucial and in avoiding it, we're avoiding feeling more deeply and being better human beings. Why in the would we want to do that? We wouldn't.

You know something? It has even been taking me a long time to write this blog. I've been avoiding my insight.  I had this statement pop into my head in the shower over three weeks ago. I have lots of great wisdom pop into my head in the shower, but that's beside the point.  I felt the need to let this pure moment of inspiration germinate for a week before I could even deal with it,  even though I felt in that instant with the water pounding against my head, that I was supposed to share it with people. I wasn't even  able to take the time to acknowledge this helpful bit of wisdom I was given* until a week later when I  realized what had happened and confessed the thought to my friend Diego. A week later I started writing this blog, but felt like I wasn't able to deal with my truth fully, yet again. Finally a week after that, I am here (started again last night and am finishing tonight) putting the final touches on my clear, precise thought that I started three weeks ago with no trouble whatsoever. This was a thought that came to me as if an angel had whispered it in my ear at the exact moment I needed to hear it, phrased in the exact way I needed to understand it, and through it all, this thought somehow seemed to be the hardest thing in the world to articulate. It seemed so hard to speak and write even though, I knew all the information I needed in order to share it. Bam, another example of this simple truth. I knew it, but I had to take the steps to understand it, and then enact it.

Here's another thought, though: What if in each moment of pure inspiration we experienced, we were able to forgo fear and share that bit of our soul with the world? How different would the world be if we let inspiration and love guide our lives instead of fear and the consequences of that destructive emotion? I challenge you all, as I challenge myself, to not sit on inspiration, but rather, let it run free. If we feel an uncontrollable desire (I mean, I am talking healthy desires here, kids--no drugs or the like!) to pursue a person, place or thing, we should give into this driving force in our life wholeheartedly.

We should have the courage to go confidently toward being our best self, and being our best self entails listening to our intuition, and obliging our heart's desires. If you know something to be true, then know it, love it, believe it and enact it. It's as simple as that. We muddy up this simple concept with fear, excuses, comfort, stability and other kinds of grubby lies that constrict growth and enable complacency. Let us take a pledge today to veer toward knowledge. Let us take on the risk, let us endure the awkwardness,let us find the love, let us enjoy the experience of fighting for what we believe in, let us engage in the lessons and let us take on the wholesome pain that leads to growth. Through these revelations we can experience pure truth and love.

Because love, as I was reminded by Dr. Brian Weiss, My Aunt, and Lady Gaga, is the only thing that's real and I'm on the road to love.

I hope ya'll are on that same road, because it is the only one that's real. That yellowbrick stuff might be catchy, but it's all a big sham! That is, unless yellowbrick is code for Love!

I hope this made some kind of wacky sense.

Love you World- Lauren:-)

*I wrote that "I was given" subconsciously. Interesting, eh? I definitely wasn't given this thought by any person, but I do believe that God and the Universe, are constantly giving us advice:-)

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