Wednesday, November 28, 2012

I Believe The World Is Getting Kinder

People always talk about how the current generation of the country will be the end of the world as we know it, but I think for the fist time in a long time, people are wrong.

Though, maybe it’s not the first time in a long time? It seems we’ve always been building up to how we are today, which means people have been getting increasingly better as the years go on. Each generation has been inching toward acknowledging a need for shared rights between all people.

If anything, I think this country (and the world, at large) is getting kinder—or at the very least, conscious. It seems we are at least aware of the turmoil that surrounds us, and the impact our choices have on each other and our planet. The increase in human rights we’ve seen over the past one hundred years is proof, alone, that we are starting to become less egotistical: that we’re becoming more concerned with the happiness of our fellow human being than our own power.

The strides we’ve taken and continue to take for civil rights, women’s rights and gay rights are all very encouraging to me. These strides have taken a total reconstruction of the common thought and a hell of a lot of courage. The lawmakers and citizens who have fought for them needed to put themselves and their reputation as, “well-thought-of individuals”, on the line in order to do what was right. That, my friends, is what I like to call: gutsy kindness. Can’t get enough of that stuff!

Wonderfully enough, it doesn’t stop with these particular human rights. There are kindness ambassadors springing up everywhere for many different causes! I am very encouraged by the different sorts of activism I’ve noticed taking off around the country and beyond. From veganism and vegetarianism, to fighting against animal cruelty, to environmental groups, to veteran support, to serving the poor and homeless…The list goes on and on. Needless-to-say: I am constantly inspired and in awe of the giving hearts of my fellow people.

Even in cases such as Kony 2012, which, from what I understand, turned out to be a bit of a sham, I can say I am proud of the fact that so many people felt so inspired to speak out for their sisters and brothers in different countries who are suffering. I feel that people are starting to understand the most important piece of the puzzle in our human experience: That we are all only mirrors of each other and that only love is real. When you hurt, I hurt, and vice versa. This makes me believe the levels of empathy and perspective taking are increasing, as well, which, are key factors to people dolling out kindness with such generosity.

So call me a cockeyed optimist! Call me a fool. Just don’t call me Sally. I’m kidding. Call me Sally the most. But honestly, as much it can be easy to get discouraged by certain experiences in life, when I think of all the good and all the beauty there is in the world, it brings me to tears and propels me to move forward with an open heart. We are so lucky to live in a time when there is so much love, generosity and benevolence everywhere we look!

Maybe I’m a hippie, or maybe I’m just aware. You can decide what you think of me, if you care to judge. But I think it’s pretty inarguable that for a country that began with bringing a group of people here by force and enslaving them, while running a simultaneous genocide of the native people of this land, and basically keeping any person who wasn’t a white male away from any real rights, we have come a LONG way. I am proud. Go America! Go World! I can say from experience, it’s a lot less exhausting and far more inspiring to be aware of and grateful for all the good in the world. It makes one feel alive!

I appreciate the kindness today and am excited to see what tomorrow brings!

Sending you love,


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